The university’s color palette is comprised of primary, secondary and tertiary palettes. The primary university colors are William & Mary Green and William & Mary Gold.

Each color in the color palette has a corresponding Pantone, RGB, CMYK and hexadecimal code. Pantone color is used for clothing, spot color printing and miscellaneous merchandise. RGB color is used for displaying color in televisions, computers and cameras. CMYK color is used for print publications as a process substitute for Pantone color. Hexadecimal color is used to display color on the web.

Primary Palette

W&M Green Swatch

W&M Green
Pantone 343
RGB 17 87 64
CMYK 89 19 72 60

W&M Gold Swatch

W&M Gold
Pantone 465
METALLIC: Pantone 872
RGB 185 151 91
CMYK 9 29 66 24

Note: When using W&M Gold for web text or links against a contrasting color, use our web-accessible alternate, #866F45.

Secondary Palette

Secondary colors may be the main brand color in certain communications, but they are not as widely used as the primary colors. Spirit Gold, for instance, is often used in an athletic context to represent the university with bright, bold color. W&M Silver works well as the main color for publications such as formal event invitations.


Spirit Gold Swatch

Spirit Gold
Pantone 7409
RGB 240 179 35
CMYK 0 31 100 0

W&M Silver

W&M Silver
Pantone 427
METALLIC: Pantone 877
RGB 208 211 212
CMYK 7 3 5 8

Tertiary Palette

Tertiary colors may not be used as the main color to represent the university in a piece of communication. Rather, tertiary colors are intended to be accent colors that provide visual interest while maintaining a tie to certain visuals on campus. Moss, for example, is pulled from the moss found on the short brick walls throughout campus.

Tertiary colors work well in many places such as section denotations in a publication, web icon colors, data graphs requiring multiple colors, and so on.


Patina Swatch
Pantone 339
CMYK 84 0 59 0
RGB 0 179 136
Colonial Yellow Swatch
Colonial Yellow
Pantone 7751
CMYK 2 7 75 17
RGB 202 182 75
Vine Swatch
Pantone 506
CMYK 19 86 38 57
RGB 132 52 78
College Sky Swatch
College Sky
Pantone 325
CMYK 53 0 23 0
RGB 100 204 201
Weathered Brick Swatch
Weathered Brick
Pantone 7416
CMYK 0 72 70 0
RGB 229 106 84
Moss Swatch
Pantone 576
CMYK 54 5 94 24
RGB 120 157 74
College Woods Swatch
College Woods
Pantone 624
CMYK 48 8 34 20
RGB 120 159 144
Slate Swatch
Pantone 431
CMYK 45 25 16 59
RGB 91 103 112
Griffin Green
Griffin Green
Pantone 5535
CMYK 79 34 62 84
RGB 24 48 40
Wren Twilight
Wren Twilight
Pantone 547
CMYK 100 35 32 82
RGB 0 49 60